Graduation Ceremonies Archive
The Graduation Ceremonies acknowledge the efforts and performances of the students. They are the perfect occasion to part from Professors and fellow students.
Graduierung des Abschlussjahrgangs 2017 - Promotion Anne Frank ausgerichtet von der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Die Graduierungsfeier des Jahrgangs 2017 wurde gemeinsam mit dem zehnjährigen Bestehen der European Law School am 8. Dezember 2017 mit Festakt im Berliner Bode-Museum und anschließendem Essen in der Philosophischen Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität mit rund 250 geladenen Gästen ausgiebig gefeiert.
Die Absolventen und Absolventinnen des Jahrgang 2017, ihre Angehörigen sowie Gäste aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft wurden von der Präsidentin der Humboldt-Universität, Sabine Kunst und dem Dekan der Juristischen Fakultät, Martin Eifert, begrüßt. Die französische Botschafterin Anne Marie Descôtes und Sir Francis Geoffrey Jacobs, früherer Generalanwalt am EuGH und jetzt Akademischer Lehrer am King’s College in London unterstrichen die Besonderheit und Notwendigkeit einer europäischen Juristenausbildung.
Den Höhepunkt bildete neben der feierlichen Graduierung des Abschlussjahrgangs 2017 die Festrede des Bundestagspräsidenten a.D. Norbert Lammert. Er reflektierte die europäische Integrationsleistung, hob Probleme und Herausforderungen hervor und hielt die Europäischen Juristen dazu an, die Zukunft der Europäischen Union mitzugestalten.
Leonie Adam
Alissa Arms
Leonie Balze
Ansgar Baumgarten
Franziska Brachthäuser
Susanna Juliane Brintrup
Sophie Burchardi
Ciro D’Amelio
Carla Dietmair
Mariamo Katharina Ilal
Eun Hye Kim
Marian Georg Münch
Anna-Julia Saiger
Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas
Juliette Camy
Sheelah Delestre
Mathilde Garin
Ibtissem Guenfoud
Ghita Lorabi
Julie Martinez
Romane Mattei
Charlotte Matthews
Sophia Shen
Mathilde Tanon
King’s College London
Maximilian Baldinger
Ciara Delaney
Rhona Luithle
Sapienza – Università di Roma
Valerio Daniele
Daniel Ciarrochi
Agnese Colucci
Valeria Comegna
Tommaso Olivieri
European Lawyer Graduation Class of 2016 in Rome on February 8, 2017 - Promotion Caterina da Siena*
The University of Rome - La Sapienza has organized a wonderful ceremony on behalf of the graduating class of 2016 in the beautiful "Sala delle Laurea" of the Law Faculty in Rome. After institutional greetings by the vice-president of the university, the heads of departments and the dean of faculty as well as a short greeting by the scientific representative of the European Law School at La Sapienza, Professor Guido Alpa was called upon for a Lectio Magistralis on “Definitions and Conceptions of contracts” in which he reflected on the different notions of contract in History and the different European Countries. After greetings of the representatives of the partner-universities Professor Stefan Grundmann, president of the European Law School network, resolved the suspense of who was to be the graduating class's namesake: The European Layer Class of 2016 is the "Promotion Caterina da Siena" - named after a person who stands for a diversity and also a unity of Europe, patron saint of Italy as well as Europe. Finally, the certificates of "Juriste Européen" were conferred to the new graduates and the ceremonial afternoon ended with a small gathering and reception.
Giulia Giordana
Severa Azzarello
Tommaso Buzelli
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Annegret Hartig
Christine Toman
Fernanda Bremenkamp
Louis Rolfes
Maria Louise Nitschke
Maximilian Schülling
Niklas Eder
Nikolai Badenhoop
Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris 2
Alice Jouandet
Alice Zorzenone
Anna Elisabeth Herrada
Isabelle Seys
Lauréline Giron
Margaux Rivière
Marie Weymuller
Margaux Malvezin
King’s College London
Elisabeth-Kyra Komives
Aleksandra Gebicke
Anne Stephan
Claire Smith
Daphne Brunkhorst
Effi Hesse
Iris Devise
Graduating Class of 2015 – Promotion Georg Friedrich Händel at King’s College London
The class of 2015 has been awarded the title of "Juriste Européen" in a prestigious ceremony organised by the King's European Law School on January 19, 2016.
Traditionally, the "promotion" is named after a famous historical figure: for the 6th promotion the network's president Prof. Dr. Dr. Stefan Grundmann chose the famous German-British composer Georg Friedrich Händel. Almost like our graduates, Händel was a European traveller - having lived, studied and worked in Germany and Italy, he spent the second half of his life in London.
The event was opened by King's Professor John Phillips who introduced the keynote speaker Professor Sir Francis Jacobs. Following were speakers from all partners and also three students - Filippo Caliento, Edoardo Celeste, and Lauren Lederle - who reflected about their experiences over the five years of the programme. Following the graduation, a reception was held at Somerset House East Wing, home of The Dickson Poon School of Law.
Filippo Caliento
Edoardo Celeste
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Christian Crohn
Corinne Rüchardt
Simona Schilling
Sophia Schröder
Vera Wahl
Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris 2
Corentin Basle
Garance De Galzain
Cristina-Victoria Di luggo di Avani
Mailys Flajoliet
Eugénie Garnier
Titus Michaud
Juliette Mignot
Alexia Tizzano
Chloe Tontini
Jérôme Wild
King’s College London
Lauren Lederle
Olivier van den Rul
Nils Wilfert
Graduating Class of 2014 – Promotion Hannah Arendt at the Humboldt-Universität Berlin
On 13 February 2015, the graduation of the now fifth ELS graduating class was combined with the opening ceremony of the “Unity and Difference in the European Legal Space” doctoral college. The keynote lecture was given by the French Ambassador in Germany. The Vice-President for Research of the Humboldt Universität and the Dean of the Law Faculty gave welcoming addresses. Students and alumni of the ELS provided the accompanying musical programme – for which, we offer them our sincere thanks!
Graduating Class of 2013 – Promotion Heinrich Heine at the Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas
In December 2013, the fourth ELS graduating class was awarded the “European Lawyer” diploma in Paris. The namesake of this graduating class is the German writer Heinrich Heine, whom Marcel Reich-Ranicki already celebrated as world-poet and European in his “Der Fall Heinrich Heine”.
Following warm words of welcome from the President of the Université Panthéon-Assas, Prof. Guillaume Leyte, Prof. Armel Le Divellec opened the ceremony with a lecture on “Universités et Juristes Européens à travers l'histoire“.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Grundmann then sketched a portrait of the poet Heine between Germany and France, followed by talks by Charlotte Reichow and Camille Adao, two ELS alumni. During the subsequent convivial dinner, current and former students of the European Law School had the opportunity, on the invitation of the alumni association, to meet again and exchange views.
Graduating Class of 2012 – Promotion Aristotle at the Humboldt-Universität Berlin
The graduation of the third ELS graduating class took place in Berlin. The official part was gotten underway in the Senate Hall with a keynote address by Prof. Dr. Dieter Grimm, former judge on the German Constitutional Court. The celebrations then continued by way of a ball in the Empress’s former ballroom. Professors and programme administrators, as well as students and alumni, were all invited.
Graduating Class of 2011 – Promotion Marie Curie at the Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas
In 2011, the graduation of the second ELS graduating class took place in the former home of the president of the Université Panthéon Assas. In addition to the graduates from Paris and Berlin and their family members, students of the programme who were in Paris at the time were also present, as were the programme administrators from each of the universities. The former president of the Université Panthéon Assas, Mme Dutheil de la Rochère, who was one of the co-initiators of the programme, gave the keynote address.
Graduating Class of 2010 – Promotion Michelangelo at the Humboldt-Universität Berlin
On 3/12/2010, the opening ceremony and first graduation ceremony of the European Law School took place at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, at which the title of “European lawyer” was awarded for the first time in the presence of the programme sponsors. In the morning, a scholarly symposium was held on the topic “Legal Thinking in Europe?”; in the afternoon, the graduation ceremony, as well as the awarding of an honorary degree to Prof. Dr. H.H. Weiler, took centre stage.