Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Juristische Fakultät

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Juristische Fakultät | Promotion | Veranstaltungen | HGS - Grant Applications Writing for Doctoral Candidates (Candidates in the 2nd or 3rd year of doctorate)

HGS - Grant Applications Writing for Doctoral Candidates (Candidates in the 2nd or 3rd year of doctorate)

Die Humboldt Graduate School als Dachorganisation vieler strukturierter Promotionsprogramme und Ideenschmiede für das Nachwuchsgeschehen in der Humboldt Universität, hat den Auftrag, sich um ausgezeichnete Rahmenbedingungen für Promovierende, Postdoktoranden und -doktorandinnen sowie Juniorprofessoren und -professorinnen zu bemühen.
  • Was HGS Soft Skills
  • Wann 28.08.2019 09:00 bis 29.08.2019 17:00
  • Teilnehmer Dr. Sabine Preusse
  • iCal

The aim of this course is to familiarize participants with the strategies for designing and writing successful grant/fellowship applications to various funding bodies. It consists of lecture-style sequences with active participation by the audience dealing with extracting the nature of sucessful project from official call documents, developing a new idea for a research project into a first work plan, matching the project to what the reviewers will expect, visualising the structure of the project, budget calculation, formulation of objectives, innovative aspects and impact. Additional information about funding programmes, reviewing processes and funding of academic career will deepen the insights in research project design and writing of grant proposals.

Requirements: bring a new idea or not so well developed idea for a research project.

 Open to all doctoral candidates
