Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Susanne Baer

Karina Theurer, M.A. (Latin American Studies)

Karina Theurer

Research Fellow


Humboldt University Berlin
Law Faculty
Chair Prof. Dr. Susanne Baer, LL.M.(Michigan)
Unter den Linden 9 - room 427
10099 Berlin (Germany)

fon: +49 (0)30 2093 3436
fax: +49 (0)30 2093 3431



Within the interdisciplinary Humboldt university based program Humboldt Law Clinic Grund- und Menschenrechte (HLCMR):

  • together with Dr. Sarah Elsuni, Doris Liebscher, Alexander Klose and Juana Remus: Introductory Course to Legal Strategies against Human Rights violations in Germany or by german based transnational enterprises (winter terms: since 2011 every year): "Grund und Menschenrechte in der Praxis"

  • together with Dr. Sarah Elsuni, Doris Liebscher, Alexander Klose and Juana Remus: Advanced Seminar of the HLCMR - practical course in cooperation with Berlin based Human Rights NGOs on concrete cases (summer terms: since 2011 every year): "Vertiefungsseminar Humboldt Law Clinic Grund- und Menschenrechte)

Within the Master of Arts program "Social Work as Human Rights Profession":

  • together with Dr. Sarah Elsuni, Tarek Naguib and Andreas Schüller: Introductory Course International Public Law (summer terms: since 2015 every year)

Within the Humboldt Winter and Sommer University Programms: Human Rights in Germany: Gender, Racism and Social Justice (2018) (together with Katharina Bager and Doris Liebscher)



She studied law at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität in Heidelberg, the Université Robert Schuman in Strasbourg, the University of San Diego (Summer Law School in Paris, funded by the Ruprecht-Karls-University) und the Humboldt-Universität Berlin (First State Exam 2008, Graduate Prize for Academic Achievement in European and International Law at Humboldt University). She conducted DAAD founded research in Peru and holds a M.A. in interdisciplinary latin american studies by the Freie Universität Berlin with the Master thesis on decolonial critique on transitional justice premises and processes through literary texts (concretely Julio Ortegas "Adiós Ayacucho" on what happened in Uchuraccay, Peru). As a Ph.D. candidate, she analyzes gender stereotyping in criminal law trials on sexualized violence.

Since july 2017 she also works for the European Center for Constitutional and Human Righs (ECCHR).



  • Literatura y Derecho en Adiós, Ayacucho, in: Ortega, Julio (Hg.): Adiós Ayacucho. FCM, Lima (2018).

  • with Wolfgang Kaleck: Das Recht der Mächtigen - die kolonialen Wurzeln des Völkerrechts, in: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik.

  • with Katharina Bager: Die Humboldt Law Clinic Grund und Menschenrechte, in: GJLE 2017, S. 77-88.

  • Frauenarmut und Kinder zweiter Klasse: Das Ehegattensplitting (2017): Grundundmenschenrechtsblog.

  • Recht und Literatur - anlässlich des Symposiums Gedächtnis und Gerechtigkeit (2016): Grundundmenschenrechtsblog.

  • Recht und Literatur. Narrative der (Un-)Sichtbarmachung sexualisierter Gewalt, in: Kritische Justiz 2015, S. 434-445 ("Law and LIterature: On the (In-)Visibilzation of sexual violence")

  • Durch Referenden bestätigte Amnestiegesetze in Fällen gewaltsamen Verschwindenlassens unvereinbar mit der Amerikanischen Menschenrechtskonvention - Das Urteil des Inter-Amerikanischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte in der Sache Gelman v. Uruguay, EuGRZ 2012, S. 682 - 693. (Commentary on the case Gelman vs. Uruguay decided upon by the Inter American Court of Human Rights)

  • IAGMR, Urt. v. 24. 02. 2011, Gelman v. Uruguay: Übersetzung ins Deutsche, abgedruckt in der EuGRZ 2012, S. 702 - 713. (Translation of the decision Gelman vs. Uruguay)



Areas of Interest

  • Law enforcement and strategic Litigation

  • Feminist Legal Theory and Decolonial Critique

  • Law as Literature



Co-founder and editor of the bilingual literary magazine alba-lateinamerika lesen

Literary translator from Spanish to German, including authors: Cristina Peri Rossi (Uruguay), Héctor Abad Faciolince (Colombia), Mirta Rosenberg (Argentina) Lauri García Duenas (El Salvador), Tomás González (Colombia), Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro (Puerto Rico), Rodrigo Soto (Costa Rica), Claudia Salazar Jiménez (Peru), Zulema de la Rúa Fernández (Cuba), Ariana Harwicz (Argentina).