Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Prof. Dr. Florian Jeßberger

Research | Prof. Jeßberger

In his research, Florian Jeßberger focuses on criminal law, including its international, comparative and historical dimensions. Current research interests concern four thematic areas:

  • International Criminal Law: Beyond the ICC
  • Transnational Criminal Law: Historical and Domestic Dimensions
  • Africa, Criminal Justice, and the Colonial Past
  • Political Criminal Law and Political Justice


Florian Jeßberger’s publications (in English) include:

  • Jeßberger, Florian (with Steinl, Leonie; Mehta, Kalika). eds. 2022. International Criminal Law: A Counter-Hegemonic Project? The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer.
  • Jeßberger, Florian (with Steinl, Leonie). 2022. Strategic Litigation in International Criminal Justice, Journal of International Criminal Justice 20 (2022), 1.
  • Jeßberger, Florian (with Geneuss, Julia). 2021. Peace and Punishment: Reflections from the Perspective of international law, in: K. Ganayim und Y. Shany (eds.), The Quest for Core Values in the Application of Legal Norms, Springer, pp. 289 et seq.
  • Jeßberger, Florian. 2021. ‚A Short History of Jurisdiction in Transnational Criminal Law, in: N. Boister, S. Gless & F. Jeßberger (eds.), Histories of Transnational Criminal Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Jeßberger, Florian (with Werle, Gerhard). 2020. Principles of International Criminal Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 4th ed.
  • Jeßberger, Florian (with Geneuss, Julia). eds. 2020. Why Punish Perpetrators of Mass Atrocities? Purposes of Punishment in International Law. ASIL Studies in International Legal Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Jeßberger, Florian. 2018. ‚Implementing Kampala: The New Crime of Aggression under the German Code of Crimes against International Law‘, in: M. Bohlander et al. (eds.), Justice Without Borders, Essays in Honour of Wolfgang Schomburg, The Hague: Brill Nijhoff, pp. 180 et seq.
  • Jeßberger, Florian (with Andrzejewski, Nils). 2018. ‚“It is not a Crime to be on the List, But ...“: Targeted Sanctions and the Criminal Law‘, in: U. Sieber et al. (eds.), Alternative Systems of Crime Control, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, pp. 192 et seq.
  • Jeßberger, Florian. 2017. The Modern Doctrinal Debate on the Crime of Aggression, in: C. Kreß and S. Barriga (eds.), The Crime of Aggression, a Commentary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Volume 1, pp. 287 et seq.
  • Jeßberger, Florian. 2016. Corporate Involvement in Slavery and Criminal Responsibility under International Law. Journal of International Criminal Justice 14, pp. 327 et seq.
  • Jeßberger, Florian (with Cassese, Antonio; Cryer, Robert; De, Urmila). eds. 2015. International Criminal Law. Critical Concepts in Law Series. London: Routledge.
  • Jeßberger, Florian (with Geneuss, Julia), 2012. The Many Faces of the International Criminal Court. Journal of International Criminal Justice 10, pp. 1081 et seq.
  • Jeßberger, Florian (with Gur-Arye, Miriam). 2011. The Protection of Human Dignity in Interrogations: May Interrogative Torture Ever be Tolerated? Reflections in Light of Recent German and Israeli Experiences. Israel Law Review 44, pp. 229 et seq.
  • Jeßberger, Florian (with Geneuss, Julia). eds. 2010. Transnational Business and International Criminal Law. Special Issue of the Journal of International Criminal Justice 8.
  • Jeßberger, Florian. 2009. International v. National Prosecution of International Crimes, in: A. Cassese et al. (eds.), Oxford Companion to International Criminal Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 208 et seq.
  • Jeßberger, Florian. 2009. On the Origins of an ‚Economic International Criminal Law’. I.G. Farben on Trial. Journal of International Criminal Justice 8, pp. 783 et seq.
  • Jeßberger, Florian. 2007. Settling Accounts for Torture in Abu Ghraib – Lessons from the „Rumsfeld Case“ in Germany, in: K. Nuotio (ed.), Festschrift in Honour of Raimo Lahti, Helsinki, pp. 87 et seq.

For a complete list of publications see here.