Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Integrative Research Institute Law & Society (LSI)

New Project: Constitutionalism under Stress: Comparative Perspectives (CONSTRESS)

Since 2016, the LSI cooperates with Princeton University in the Princeton-Humboldt teaching and research initiative Constitutionalism under Stress: Comparative Perspectives (CONSTRESS). CONSTRESS is an interdisciplinary project that brings together political scientists, philosophers, sociologists, and lawyers. Thematically, the cooperation deals with aspects of democracies under pressure worldwide. It includes joint seminars and workshops open to undergraduate and graduate students from various disciplines at Princeton University and HU. The last seminar with the title Executives and Emergencies took place in the summer semester 2021. It focused on how states can efficiently protect populations from threats posed by terrorist attacks or pandemics without empowering governments in an unchecked way and permanently endangering democracy. CONSTRESS is currently funded until 2024 under the Princeton-Humboldt Strategic Partnership Initiative.