Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Integrative Research Institute Law & Society (LSI)

Arab Perspectives on Transformations in Berlin

In today's academic and intellectual discourse, German perspectives on transformations in Arab countries are frequently discussed. What the Arab perspectives on transformation processes in Germany looks like is left out. This research project aims to fill this research gap, using Berlin as an example. Philosophy, sociology, history, law, music and literature will have their say. How are Berlin and its recent (as well as past) processes of change perceived in Arab research and how by Arab residents and fellow citizens in Berlin themselves? What tectonic changes have an impact far beyond Berlin's borders?


Dr. Nahed Samour, M.A., Berlin

Ass. Prof. Dr. Anaheed Al-Hardan, Lebanon


The project is funded by the Senate Chancellery - Higher Education and Research Berlin and part of the project “Global Berlin in the 21st Century”.

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