Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - International Dispute Resolution


The Application Process

How is the application process for the IDR LL.M. organized?





The application process is organized entirely online with application documents submitted via uni-assist. For comprehensive information on the IDR LL.M. application process and relevant deadlines, please refer to the "How to apply" page.

Do I need to have completed my law degree to apply for the IDR LL.M.?

No. You can also apply if you completed non-law undergraduate studies and hold a bar admission, meaning that you are authorized to represent parties before court, or are admitted as an equivalent to a solicitor, attorney, or barrister in the respective jurisdiction.

You can also apply in your penultimate year if you expect to receive your law degree by June.

At the same time, please be mindful of the requirement to have completed one year of relevant work experience. This is necessary in order to be eligible to apply for the program. However, the nature of the work is flexible – internships and professional placements also both count towards fulfilling the requirement.

Do I need to speak German to apply for the IDR LL.M.?

No. All courses are taught exclusively in English.

Can I apply if my result in the language test is below the minimum requirement?

English proficiency is essential for students to fully benefit from the IDR LL.M. For this reason, the language requirements are an important part of the application assessment process, and the minimum requirement must be strictly complied with.

For detailed information on the English language requirements, please consult here.

What scholarships are available for students accepted to the IDR LL.M.?

Each year, the IDR LL.M. grants a full or partial tuition waiver on a mix of merit and needs based criteria. In order to apply for a tuition waiver, the applicant is invited to submit a motivated request to no later than the 21. April.

For detailed information on scholarships available at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin for international students, please refer to the HU International website.



The IDR LL.M. and student life at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Do the classes focus on practical skills or theoretical knowledge?

Both. The IDR LL.M. offers a tailor-made combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, including written and oral advocacy skills. This combination is designed to prepare the master students for the sophisticated needs of the international arbitration market.

The program proudly works in cooperation with academics and practitioners who are at the top of the field.

What is the size of the class?

The IDR LL.M. class has a maximum of 30 students in order to foster direct dialogue between lecturers and students.

What is the overall atmosphere of the IDR LL.M?

The IDR LL.M. students come from different cultures and have diverse professional backgrounds. This facilitates a friendly and intellectually stimulating atmosphere.

The program takes place in the heart of Berlin, which is a very internationally-oriented and exciting city with a great atmosphere.

Can I participate in extra-curricular activities at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin?

Yes. IDR LL.M. students have the opportunity to participate in a range of activities offered by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, just like other (non-international) students.

Is it possible to take German language courses at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin?

Yes. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin offers a broad variety of language courses, including German language courses at various levels and special focus areas.

For detailed information, please refer to the website of the Language Centre.

Are there any sports courses?

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin offers a wide range of sports courses,which are available to all enrolled students. For detailed information, please refer to the Hochschulsport website.


Life in Berlin

What are the costs of accommodation in Berlin?

Your accommodation costs will depend on your personal preferences. The average rent in a shared flat is between EUR 500 and EUR 600 per month. We recommend starting your search for accommodation as soon as you accept the admission offer.

To search for a shared flat, you can, for example, refer to the wg-gesucht website.

Is it possible to live in a student residence?

Studierendenwerk Berlin operates a few student residences (Studentenwohnheime) in Berlin. As a student of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, you can use all of the services provided by the Studierendenwerk Berlin. However, there are only a limited number of rooms, so you should contact them as early as possible.

For further information, please refer to the website of Studierendenwerk Berlin.