Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - European Law School (ELS) — EULysses

La Sapienza - Università di Roma

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General Information

La Sapienza - Università di Roma is one of the most important Law Faculty in Italy and particularly in Rome. We offer 3 different programmes: Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza (LMG-01, 5 years), opened to European Lawyer Programme students ; Laurea Triennale in Diritto e Amministrazione Pubblica (L-14, 3 years); European Studies (LM90 – 2 years).

La Sapienza - Università di Roma receives a various number of international students, especially from Europe, in the Erasmus+ Program or in the European Lawyer Programme, but also from the Double Degree Program in Italian and French Law.

The University also has a partnership and an exchange programme with 3 different universities in the USA: “Columbia Law” School of New York, “Suffolk University” of Boston, “University of Missoury” of Kansas City. In general, the University “La Sapienza” di Roma receives more or less 120 foreign students per year in the Erasmus+ Program. We offer also a large number of Master of II Level.

European Lawyer Master Programme

European Lawyer Programme students can apply to the following English- and Italian-taught Master programmes:

Master di I livello (M1) :

30199 – “Diritto e Sport : il giurista nella gestione dei rapporti e del fenomeno sportivo (in English)


Master di II livello (M2) :

Information can be found in English here:

29064 – Diritto privato europeo

Information can be found in Italian only here:

29023 – Corruzione e sistema istituzionale

27678 - Diritto Amministrativo MIDA (Interateneo)

13458 – Diritto del Lavoro e della Previdenza Sociale

13485 – Diritto dell’Ambiente

30527 – Diritto e nuove tecnologie per la tutela e la valorizzazione dei beni culturali

29066 – Diritto tributario e consulenza d’impresa “Luigi Einaudi”

30546 – Diritto, organizzazione e gestione della sicurezza

27679 – Global Regulation of Markets

30526 – Informatica giuridica, nuove tecnologie e diritto dell’informatica

29516 – Tutela Giurisdizionale nelle controversie di diritto pubblico


More Information can be found here.


Information about scholarships, grants and loans can be found here.

Special arrangements for European Lawyer Programm Students

All information about scholarships are available here.

The Univesity provides housing opportunities for European Lawyer Programme students through agreements with public and private rental agencies. More information about the special housing arrangements can be found here.

Contacts person for students

Dottor Federico Caporale


For additional information about the European Law School Programme:

Social Networks

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