Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Comparative Studies on German, European and Chinese Law

Course of Studies


Module descriptions and study plans can be found in the appendix to the study regulations


1st Semester

(Summer Semester, Humboldt University of Berlin)

Preparation Courses:

  • Specialization(two selected courses from the elective program of the specialization 3 to 7; students with a first exam will receive credit for the module Specialization) - 12 LP*.
  • Foreign language law studies(FRS) - 6 LP
  • Summer School- 12 LP


2nd and 3rd Semester

(Winter and Summer Semester, Tongji University Shanghai)

Compulsory courses:

  • Six compulsory courses on Chinese law, including Chinese Legal System, Economic Law, Company Law and Intellectual Property Law (Degree Courses) - 6 LP each.
  • Chinese Language Course- 12 LP
  • Two elective courseson Chinese history and culture - 6 LP each


Specialization Studies:


  • Four courses from the subjects Chinese Competition Law, Contract Law, Arbitration Law, Financial and Taxation Law, International Technology Transfer an License Agreement, Copyright Law, Foreign Trade Law and International and Chinese Business Arbitration Law and Practice, Non Degree Courses - 6 LP each.


  • Courses from the legal studies program can substitute 2 degree and non-degree courses, the internship can replace one FRS course and one course with 6 LP from the specialization field.


4th Semester

(Winter Semester, Humboldt University of Berlin)


Master thesis- 27 LP

Oral final examination- 3 LP


* 1 LP (= credit point) covers a "workload" of 30 hours