Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Susanne Baer

National, European and International Law against Discrimination

On this site you can find...

...information on national, European and international law against discrimination.

The call for equity, parity, equality has been a matter of discussion for a long time. It is the attempt to provide equal opportunities to different people in order to enable them to realize their own ideas.

The debate on equality may be adequately understood as a debate on the prevention of discrimination. Legally, direct and indirect discrimination are prohibited to ensure equal opportunities in all walks of life. In addition, affirmative action protects against discrimination by putting an end to historical and structural exclusion and disadvantage, and fostering diversity. Finally, regulations and programs against discrimination intend to change institutions and structures as individual attitudes, prejudice and stereotyping, and behaviour.

The aim of anti-discrimination law is to eliminate discrimination and exclusion related to gender, including sex and sexual orientation, ethnicity or race, social status, appearance, language, dis/ability, age, religion and convictions.

Anti-discrimination law consists of international, European, national, regional and local laws and other regulations – from the Human Rights Declaration to laws on schooling or general administrative regulations/administrational guidelines.

Interesting links

  • Annual country reports of the EU regarding the implementation of the anti-discrimination measures can be found here.

  • European Anti-Discrimination Law Review - click here.

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Prof. Baer collects literature on legal studies and gender studies, and on anti-discrimination law. You may use the collection in room 429 upon arrangement with members of the team.