Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Susanne Baer

Projects (finished)

Law in Context – Berlin Research Network on Legal Culture(s)

Law in Context (funded by the Berliner Senat since October 2009) aims at an enhanced re-contextualization of the law among its neighboring disciplines. From a genuinely legal perspective, the research network seeks to initiate new forms of dialogue and to create discursive structures between the law, the humanities and social sciences. This will confront the law and legal scholarship with other disciplines’ concept(s) and perception(s) of law. It builds upon the work and expertise of a group of scholars sharing a joint interest in contextual and contextualized legal knowledge. They represent a broad range of diverse approaches to the law, including gender studies, comparative research, law & literature, critical approaches to international law, administrative sciences, transitional justice, the law of development cooperation, and classical problems of legal philosophy.

Central among the research tools to be used is the modification of research questions in interdisciplinary discourse, be it in local, national or transregional network structures and constellations. A crucial element of the discursive structures to be institutionalized in an incremental step-by-step process is the establishment of a postdoctoral fellowship program, enabling scholars in an early stage of their careers to spend an academic year in Berlin and to contextualize themselves and their work in a new research environment. For more information, please visit the website of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.

Forum Transregional Studies

Prof. Baer is a member of the Forum Transregional Studies at the Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin. The Forum Transregionale Studien is a new research platform of the Land of Berlin designed to promote research that connects systematic and region-specific questions in a perspective that addresses entanglements and interactions beyond national, cultural or regional frames. The Forum works subsidiarily to already existing institutions and networks engaged in transregional studies and is supported by an association of the directors of research institutes and networks mainly based in Berlin. 

The Forum Transregional Studies was founded on October 16, 2009 as a registered association, based on the recommendations of the German Council of Science and Humanities on Area Studies and of the Berlin Science Commission. It started its activities in 2010 by identifying and funding three transregional research projects based in Berlin research institutions in different fields. In an initial phase from November 1, 2009 until December 31, 2010 the Forum is funded by the Land Berlin. For a transitional period the Forum is hosted at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.

QUING - Quality in Gender and Equality Policies [2006-2011]

Gender issues are constitutive of current European polarizations in terms of ethnicity, sexuality and religion. Innovative perspectives to address these divergences and polarizations need to avoid opposing minority rights and gender equality. Gender equality policies, as the most developed policies against inequality, provide the best entrance to developing inclusive gender and equality policies. QUING will actively bring together and construct the knowledge needed for such inclusive policies, by conceptualizing how technocratic tendencies can be counteracted and how attention for intersectionality can be integrated. It will also assess the current content, quality and problems of gender and equality policies and produce recommendations and standards for gender and training so that policy making fits active gender equal citizenship in a multicultural Europe. For more information please refer to the website of the project:

Evaluation of the "Professorinnenprogramms von Bund und Ländern"

In cooperation with the Institut für Hochschulforschung at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany).

GenderCompetenceCentre [2003-2010]

Prof. Dr. Baer, LL.M. (Michigan) is director of the GenderCompetenceCentre. The Centre is a transfer-oriented research unit, which is affiliated, at the Humboldt University Berlin, to the Centre for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies ( It is a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth ( The Centre works at the interface of gender research and equality strategies, in particular on the implementation of Gender Mainstreaming in public administration.

Multilevel Constitutionalism: European Experiences and Global Perspectives [2006-2010]

Prof. Baer is a member of this Graduate School. For more information, please check here.

Expertise on "Mehrfach-, mehrdimensionale und intersektionale Diskriminierung im Rahmen des AGG"

Contract research, financed and commissioned by the Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes.

Exchange of good practices

The Exchange of Good Practices on Gender Equality is an effective learning instrument which can provide impetus towards and contribute to the achievement of gender equality in Europe. The exchanges are organised as a rolling programme, dedicated to two Roadmap themes per year. Each theme will be assessed and disseminated through exchange seminars hosted each time by a different EU member state or EEA country to showcase one of their good practices. Governmental representatives of EU member states and other stakeholders will attend the seminars to engage in the debate, which will be based on country reports prepared by country independent experts. The two themes chosen by the Commission and the EU member states for 2008 are ‘childcare’ and ‘parental leave’. For more information, please visit the website of the project.

TARGET - Transnational Applied Research in Gender Equity Training [2010-2013]

Around the world, equality has been pursued with the strategy of gender mainstreaming, which includes measures to train responsible actors for gender competence. The project TARGET allows experts from the EU and the U.S. to exchange experiences in the field, to combine both analytical knowledge from evaluation studies and research and practical experience from trainings in different institutional settings. This will be done to develop a curriculum for such trainings, in particular to effectively train policy actors.

Women in the Humanities: Sobering statistics and inspirational role models

In the year of the humanities, this brochure presents portraits of ten women who do research in different disciplines and in different walks of life, and who may serve as inspiration for younger researchers and students, which is why the portraits have been written by junior scientists. In the introduction, we reflect upon gender in the humanities, both pertaining to the presence of men and women and to the category of gender in knowledge. In a presentation of the brochure, junior researchers will be invited to meet with senior scientists for mentoring purposes.

Peking + 10: Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming

Prof. Baer directs a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, in which Claire Bortfeldt works to implement gender aspects in all policy fields in the international arena. For more information please visit the website.

International Conference on Law and Society

This international event of the Law and Society Association in the field of law and sociology, anthropology and political science took place July 25-28, 2007, at Humboldt University Berlin, in collaboration with the Free University Berlin. The conference has been hosted in cooperation with the Research Committee on Sociology of Law of the ISA, Vereinigung für Rechtssoziologie, the Sektion Rechtssoziologie and the German Society for Sociology, and other partner organisations. Head of the Local Planning Committee is Prof. Dr. em. Thomas Raiser. There were more than 2000 participants, thus the biggest event of the kind to date. The conference office and the academic coordination have been located at Prof. Dr. Susanne Baer, and administered by Christian Boulanger.

HU Multimedia Initiative

At the chair of law and gender studies, we created a platform to learn and teach in transdisciplinary settings at Humboldt University. The project was sponsored by the Mulitmedia-Initiative of the university, and aims at the improvement of teaching methods by using multimedia-based instruments. It was coordinated by Daniela Hrzan and received assistance from Bernhard Kern.

State Government Administrative Reform

Prof. Baer worked as an expert consultant with the State government of Northrhine-Westfalia regarding Gender Mainstreaming in the context of administrative reforms.

Federal Government, ISOE-project

In cooperation with ISOE ( in a project directed by Dr. Doris Hayn, Prof. Baer worked as an expert consultant for the Federal Ministry of Environment (BMU).

Federal Government, Implementation of GM

This was a joint advisory and research project by the GSF e.V. (Dr. Sellach, Dr. Enders-Dragässer), Prof. Dr. Susanne Baer and B. Kress (balancing-consult), with the assistance of Mara Kuhl.

The Reality of the Law to Protect Employees from Sexual Harassment (Beschäftigtenschutzgesetz)

Prof. Baer worked in a joint project with NFO Infratest (Munich), directed by Dr. Almut Pflüger, and with the assistance of Gabriele Schlick, Milena Büchs and Ute Kalender.

European Network of Legal Experts

European Network of Legal Experts in the field of anti-discrimination, MEDE European Consultancy – Utrecht. Prof. Baer served as the German expert. For more information, please visit the website:

EGESO Group of Experts on Combating Sexual Orientation Discrimination

Prof. Baer provided the report on Germany. Click here for the complete report.

Casebook Non-Discrimination Law

University of Maastricht. Prof. Baer coordinated a contribution of German material. For more information, please click here.


Rethinking employment discrimination: a German case-study. Prof. Baer, following Prof. Rebhahn, hosted Marie-Curie-Scholar Dr. Paul Skidmore.


Prof. Baer prepared, for the FernUniversität Hagen, teaching material regarding international equality law (with the assistance of Angela Smessaert & Laura Adamietz), Gender Mainstreaming (with the assistance of Aline Oloff), and equality strategies in universities.


Prof. Baer worked as an advisor on Gender and Law within the technical collaboration (Technische Zusammenarbeit).

CD Rom „The Charters of Europe“

In cooperation with Fondazione Lelio E Lisli Basso (Rom) and Fundacion Alternativas (Madrid).