Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Prof. Dr. Gregor Bachmann


PhD-candidates holding a German law degree (First Law Exam – Erste Juristische Prüfung) should visit the German language version of this website (“Promotion”).

Candidates who do not hold a German law degree can only be accepted for supervision as PhD-candidates by Professor Bachmann if they:

  • have obtained a Master-degree from Humboldt-University Law School (with distinction), and
  • have written a Master thesis supervised by Professor Bachmann (marked with “good” or “very good”)
  • have submitted a convincing (preferably comparative) exposé for a dissertation in the field of corporate law
  • are willing and able to write in German.

Applications by candidates who do not fulfill these conditions will not be recognized.

Please note that Professor Bachmann can only accept a limited number of PhD-candidates. Therefore, even if you fulfill all the conditions listed above, supervision by Professor Bachmann cannot be guaranteed.