Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Prof. Dr. Anna-Bettina Kaiser

Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr. Anna-Bettina Kaiser, LL.M. (Cambridge)

Academic Career

  • 2023/ 2024
    Fulbright-Scholar and Emile Noël Global Fellow at New York University
  • Since January 2024
    Member of the Board of the German Association of Public Law Professors
  • Since March 2021
    Chairholder for Public Law and Foundations of Law at the Faculty of Law of Humboldt University Berlin
  • October 2020 – September 2022
    Academic Dean at the Faculty of Law of Humboldt University Berlin
  • Summer 2019
    Appointments at University Konstanz and Vienna University of Economics and Business (both declined)
  • July 2017
    Habilitation at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (habilitation thesis titled „Ausnahmeverfassungsrecht"). Venia Legendi for Public Law, legal theory, constitutional history and administrative studies
  • May 2014 – February 2021
    Professor for Public Law and Foundations of Law at the Faculty of Law of Humboldt University Berlin
  • December 2013
    Appointment (declined) at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (Professorship for Constitutional and Administrative Law, tenure track)
  • April 2010 – April 2014
    Assistant Professor for Public Law at the Faculty of Law of Humboldt University Berlin
  • July 2007
    Ph.D. in Law at the University of Freiburg
  • March 2007 & summer term 2005
    Visiting Assistant Professor at China University of Political Science and Law (Beijing) and at Goethe University Frankfurt
  • October 2003 – March 2010
    Research Assistant to Prof. Dr. Andreas Voßkuhle at the Institute for Staatswissenschaft & Philosophy of Law at Faculty of Law of the University of Freiburg

Studies & Legal Clerkship

  • October 2003
    Second State Examination in Law
  • October 2001 – October 2003
    Legal Clerkship at the Higher Regional Court Karlsruhe; clerkships at the Higher Administrative Court of Baden-Wuerttemberg, at the Bundesverfassungsgericht (Department of Prof. Dr. Udo Steiner), and at the European Commission (Merger Control)
  • June 2001
    Master of Laws at University of Cambridge
  • December 2000
    Intermediate Exam in Musicology
  • July 2000
    First State Examination in Law
  • October 1995 – July 2000
    Studies of Law & of Musicology at the University of Freiburg

Academic Honors, Awards & Scholarships

  • November 2022
    Caroline von Humboldt Professorship
  • October 2018
    Werner von Simson Award 2018, Faculty of Law, University of Freiburg (for habilitation treatise)
  • summer term 2015
    Funded Research Sabbatical, Funding Line “Creating Opportunities” within the Institutional Strategy of Humboldt University Berlin
  • since June 2012
    Member of the Network „Die Verwaltungsrechtswissenschaft in der frühen Bundesrepublik“ of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
  • December 2011
    Grant for the organisation of the Blankensee-Colloquium 2012 (with Prof. Dr. S. Boysen and Dr. F. Meinel)
  • November 2010
    Legal Book of the Year
  • since January 2010
    Margarete von Wrangell Scholarship
  • 2009 – 2010
    Fellow at the SIAS Summer Institute
  • October 2009
    Award for Excellent Teaching of the University of Freiburg
  • July 2009
    Award for Excellent Teaching of the Faculty of Law of the University of Freiburg
  • February 2008
    Carl von Rotteck Award of the Faculty of Law of the University of Freiburg (awarded for the Ph.D.)
  • November 2007
    Maria Gräfin von Linden Award of the Association of Female Scholars of Baden-Wuerttemberg
  • 2000 – 2001
    Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • 1996 – 2000
    Scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation

Visiting Lectureships

  • March/April 2018
    University of Florence, Italy
  • October 2017
    Princeton University, USA
  • March 2007
    China University for Political Science and Law, Bejing, China

Memberships in Professional Associations and Discussion Groups

  • since 2018
    Vereinigung für Verfassungsgeschichte
  • since 2016
    Deutsch-Französischer Gesprächskreis für das Öffentliche Recht
  • since 2015
    Kreis Deutsch-Japanisches Verfassungsgespräch
  • since 2014
    Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer e.V.
  • since 2014
    International Society of Public Law (ICON-S)
  • since 2011
    Guest status in the Studienkreis für Presserecht und Pressefreiheit e.V.
  • since 2008
    German section of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences

Memberships in University Committees (selection)

  • since 2017
    Board of Humboldt University Berlin Council („Konzil“)
  • since 2016
    „Forum Exzellenzinitiative“ of Humboldt University Berlin
  • since 2014
    Member of Humboldt University Berlin Council („Konzil“)
  • since 2010
    Academic Senate of Humboldt University Berlin (by-election)

Further university commitments

  • since 2016
    Cooperation project „Constitutions under Stress" (CONSTRESS) with Princeton University (together with Prof. Dr. Silvia von Steinsdorff)
  • since 2014
    Head of the Law & Society-Institute, Humboldt-University Berlin (with Prof. Dr. Philipp Dann);
    hosting interdisciplinary lecture series, workshops, and conferences