Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Prof. Dr. Matthias Ruffert

Wintersemester 2019/2020

Prof. Dr. Matthias Ruffert
10 330 - European law
Tuesdays 10-12, UL 6, 2002
2 SWS, 3 LP

The lecture offers an introduction to the theory and dogmatics of European law. It deals not only with the institutional core problems of the law of European integration (organs and functions of the EU, relation to member state law, legal protection), but also with the basis of substantive law (above all protection of fundamental rights on the one hand and internal market law on the other hand). European law is not only to be understood as an independent legal system, but also as an overarching legal layer in the structure of the member states' legal systems.

Jurisprudence PO 2008 / PO 2015: Module examination ÖIII (4h)

The four-hour module final exam will contain a part under European law and a part under national law. Students of the Socrates Programme or the LLM Programmes as well as students of other disciplines can choose only one of these parts as required and then have two hours to complete it. Oral examinations do not take place for this course.

10 742 - European constitutional law
Mondays, 16-18, BE 2, 140/142
2 SWS 1 LP

The lecture deals with the theoretical foundations and dogmatic core problems of European constitutional law. The European Constitutional Network is developed from the complementary interaction of supranational and member state constitutional law. Central individual topics are the structure of the organs of the EU in view of the standards of the democratic principle, legislation in the EU, competence theory and above all the protection of fundamental rights.

European Law and Comparative Law: Final Module Exam European Constitutional Law with its Comparative References (2.5h)
LL.M. students: Subsequent seminar paper, Erasmus: Oral examination

10 743 - European commercial law, in particular internal market and competition law
Mondays, 16-18, BE 2, 140/142
2 SWS 1 LP

The lecture deals with the theoretical foundations and dogmatic core problems of European constitutional law. The European Constitutional Network is developed from the complementary interaction of supranational and member state constitutional law. Central individual topics are the structure of the organs of the EU in view of the standards of the democratic principle, legislation in the EU, competence theory and above all the protection of fundamental rights.

European Law and Comparative Law: Final Module Exam European Constitutional Law with its Comparative References (2.5h)
LL.M. students: Subsequent seminar paper
Erasmus: Oral examination

10 421 - Written examination in public law 1
Friday, 25.10.2019, 09-14, Monday, 04.11.2019, 12-14, UL 6, 2091/92

10 423 - Written examination in public law 2
Friday, 08.11.2019, 09-14, Monday, 18.11.2019, 12-14, UL 6, 2091/92

10 426 - Public Law Examination 3
Friday, 29.11.2019, 09-14, Monday, 09.12.2019, 12-14, UL 6, 2091/92

10 428 - Public Law Written Examination 4
Friday, 13.11.2019, 09-14, Monday, 06.01.2020, 12-14, UL 6, 2091/92

10 525 - Model European Union Conference (MEUC) - Simulation of the Council of the European Union (English)

The event is a simulation of a meeting of the Council of the European Union. The aim is to practice diplomatic skills and give an insight into the negotiation processes of the European institutions. The two-day simulation will take place in a block in the rooms of a political foundation in Berlin. The negotiating language is English.

More detailed information on the topic of the simulation as well as on the event dates will be available shortly here . If you have any questions, please contact