Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Faculty of Law | Integrative Research Institute Law & Society (LSI) | Events Events Winter School "Politics and Law – An Interdisciplinary Dialogue between Social and Legal Sciences" David Dyzenhaus (University of Toronto): Brexit and the Legal Idea of Sovereignty Ivan Krastev: Making sense of the long 1989 Adam Davis (Oregon Humanities): The Voices of the People: From Dreams of Self-Rule to Practices of Mutual Understanding Daniel Ziblatt (Harvard University): The Rise and Fall of Democracy: Lessons From the Past for Today Dieter Grimm (Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin): Popular Sovereignty as Dormant Sovereignty Opening of LSI as Integrative Research Insitute. Keynote: Marietta Auer: What is Legal Theory? Tobias Wunschik: Der politische Strafvollzug der DDR 1949-89. Eigenheiten und Einordnung Democratic Decay and Resilience in Europe and India POSTPONED: Susanne Baer (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Richterin am Bundesverfassungsgericht), Un-/Gleichheiten – Praxen der Grund- und Menschenrechte im Wandel POSTPONED: Grietje Baars (City College London), Inequalities and Corporate Powers in International Law POSTPONED: Moira Fradinger (Yale University, American Academy Berlin): Citizenship, Inequality and Vulnerability - The Case of Argentina POSTPONED: Nora Markard (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster), Rechtssubjekte an der Grenze POSTPONED: Steffen Mau (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Ostdeutsche Transformationen - Eine ungleichheitssoziologische Perspektive POSTPONED: Prof. Dr. Alon Harel, The Morality of Privatization Online Lecture Series on Contemporary Turkey: Anatomy of a Political Regime Jeffrey S. Sutton: Fifty-One Imperfect Solutions. States and the Making of American Constitutional Law Postkategorial Denken: Wie können Asylrecht und Antidiskriminierungsrecht voneinander lernen? Reformiert? Politische Zerreißprobe neues Wahlrecht. Evelyn Bytzek im Gespräch mit Jerome Schröder Ambos_4300_4.jpg 1 2 Next 2 items
Adam Davis (Oregon Humanities): The Voices of the People: From Dreams of Self-Rule to Practices of Mutual Understanding
POSTPONED: Susanne Baer (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Richterin am Bundesverfassungsgericht), Un-/Gleichheiten – Praxen der Grund- und Menschenrechte im Wandel
POSTPONED: Grietje Baars (City College London), Inequalities and Corporate Powers in International Law
POSTPONED: Moira Fradinger (Yale University, American Academy Berlin): Citizenship, Inequality and Vulnerability - The Case of Argentina
POSTPONED: Steffen Mau (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Ostdeutsche Transformationen - Eine ungleichheitssoziologische Perspektive
Jeffrey S. Sutton: Fifty-One Imperfect Solutions. States and the Making of American Constitutional Law