Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DynamInt

Dr. Ruth Weber

Website Ruth













Postdoctoral researcher at DynamInt October 2019 - May 2024



Dr. Ruth Weber finished her habilitation on June 11th 2024. She received a habilitation for public law, European law, fiscal law, constitutional history an comparative law. The topic of her habilitation treatise is: „Budgetrecht und repräsentative Demokratie im Mehrebenensystem". Her habilitation presentation was on „Verfahrensfehlerfolgenrecht im Kontext der Energiewende".


Habilitation project:

Budgetary powers and democracy in the European multi-level system



Emmy Noether Programme


In November 2023 the application of Ruth Weber for an Emmy Noether research group on the topic "No representation without taxation' - Budgetary powers in the multi-level system" was approved by the DFG.

Find the project's website here.