Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DynamInt


The graduate program DynamInt was officially inaugurated with a ceremony in the French Embassy in Berlin on the 18th October 2019. In Novemer 2019, the doctoral candidates spent a weekend in the Uckermark for an opening retreat. In November 2022, another introductory weekend took place in the Uckermark especially for the new doctoral candidates.


The DynamInt program incorporates different types of events: 

Focal point is the weekly doctoral colloquium which mainly entails the progress reports by the doctoral candidates in addition to meetings for the cross-cutting themes.


The well-established lecture series Humboldt University Comparative and European Law Lectures (HUCELL) was taken over by DynamInt in 2019 and serves the fundamental research orientation through interdisciplinary information. 


Research conferences as well as attending doctoral seminars in the context of the summer academies of the network will enhance the exchange of research ideas and findings. 


Various events concerning equal opportunity will support the female researchers of the graduate school in building career-enhancing qualifications and networks.


DynamInt also actively contributes to events hosted by the Integrative Research Institute Law & Society (LSI), with which DynamInt closely collaborates both on a doctoral and post-doctoral level.