Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DynamInt

Humboldt University Comparative and European Law Lectures (HUCELL)


Past HUCELL lectures:


  • Prof. Ioannis Lianos: "The Reform of Article 102 TFEU. The myth of Daedalus ans Icarus", 22th of January 2024


  • Prof. Dr. Armin von Bogdandy: "Die europäische Renaissance des Republikanismus. Eine neue Lesart der letzten zehn Jahre europäischer Integration", 6th December 2023


  • Prof. Michal Bobek: "Preliminary Rulings before the General Court: What Architecture for the EU Courts?", 10th July 2023


  • Henrik Saugmandsgaard Øe: "Role, working and design methods of the ECJ with a special focus on the Wikingerhof case",  20th June 2023


  • Prof. Olivier Beaud: "Le pacte fédératif", 5th Dezember 2022


  • Prof. Spyridon Vlachopoulos: "Democracy, Human Rights and Anonymity on the Internet", 8th November 2022


  • Prof. Vassiliki Christou: "Political Rights in the Digital Era", 1st November 2022


  • Prof. Antoine Vauchez: "The Genie of Independence and the European Bottle. How Independence Became Europe’s Most Contentious Political and Legal Category", 24th May 2022


  • Prof. Valsamis Mitsilegas: "The Preventive Turn in European Security Policy. Constitutional Challenges from a Global Perspective", 5th May 2022 


  • Prof. Bruno de Witte: "Effective policy-making and constitutional design in the European Union", 15th February 2022


  • Prof. Christina Eckes: "Global Warming as a Threat to Democracy in Europe: What Role for the Judiciary?", 11th January 2022


  • Prof. Martin Loughlin (London School of Economics and Political Science) "Against Constitutionalism", 17th March 2021


  • Prof. Takis Tridimas: "The Principle of Effectiveness in EU law - friend or foe?", 10th February 2021


  • Prof. Päivi Leino-Sandberg: "The EU recovery fund and other financial responses to the Corona crisis: An EU and constitutional law point of view", 17th June 2020


  • Prof. Dr. Sacha Garben: "The European Pillar of Social Rights: An Assessment of its Meaning and Significance, 13th February 2020


  • Prof. Niamh Moloney: "EU Capital Market Regulation at a Crossroads? Capital Markets Union, the 2019 ESA Reform, and Brexit: Reflections at an Inflection Pint", 6th November 2019