Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DynamInt

Dr. Ruth Weber

Website Ruth












Postdoctoral researcher at DynamInt since October 2019


Research project:

Budgetary powers and democracy in the European multi-level system





Postdoctoral reseacher at DFG Research Training Group DynamInt since October 2019. Visiting researcher at the PluriCourts-Centre for the Study of the Legitimate Roles of the Judiciary in the Global Order at the Universitetet i Oslo (08-10/2021).

Legal traineeship at the Berlin Court of Appeal (Kammergericht) with placements at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy, at the international law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer (in the field of public commercial law), at the German Federal Constitutional Court (department of the court’s President Professor A. Voßkuhle) and at the European Court of Justice (In the cabinet of Advocate General Professor J. Kokott), Second Legal State Exam (2017-2019).

PhD at the universities of Freiburg im Breisgau and Paris Panthéon-Assas under the supervision of M. Jestaedt and O. Beaud (2014 - 2018) supported by grants from the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes), the German-French Doctoral Programme for Comparative Public Law and the Baden-Württemberg State Graduate Scholarship Programme. Visiting researcher at the Université Paris Panthéon-Assas and the French Constitutional Court in Paris (2015 - 2016).

Research assistant and student assistant at the Institute for Political Science and Philosophy of Law, Department 3, Department of Legal Theory directed by Prof. Dr. Matthias Jestaedt (2011-2017) and at the Institute for Media and Information Law in Freiburg, Department of Public Law, European Information and Infrastructure Law directed by Prof. Dr. Jens-Peter Schneider, Project: Research Network on EU Administrative Law (ReNEUAL) (2015).

Law studies in Freiburg im Breisgau and Paris, First Legal State Exam, additional qualifications through the “French Law School” and “International, Foreign and European Law Programme“ (2008-2014).





Fields of research


  • Foundations of Public Law (especially comparative, historic and theoretical perspectives)
  • German and European Constitutional Law (currently especially budgetary and financial constitutional law)
  • Administrative Law (currently especially climate protection law and information management law)



Current teaching


  • Lecture "European Administrative Law" (winter semester 2023/24)



Emmy Noether Programme


In November 2023 the application of Ruth Weber for an Emmy Noether research group on the topic "No representation without taxation' - Budgetary powers in the multi-level system" was approved by the DFG.



Current publications




  • European Integration through the Eyes of its Treaties' Preambles, ZEuS, 1/2023, S. 97–122.



  • Anreize trotz Verbots? Das Verhältnis von Klimaschutzrechtsinstrumenten im EU-Recht am Beispiel von CO2-Abscheidung und -Speicherung, EurUP, 4/2022, S. 422–427.


  • Book review: Päivi Leino-Sandberg: The Politics of Legal Expertise in EU Policy-Making, Cambridge University Press, 2021, in: EuR 2022, p. 667-671.


  • Regulatorische Weiterentwicklung eines klimapolitischen Dilemmas: Der Einsatz von CCS und CCU als Negativemissionstechnologien, Die Verwaltung 55 (2022), p. 219-248.