Lectures / speaches
Prof. Dr. Christoph Paulus, LL.M. (Berkeley)
- University of Buenos Aires, topic: International Insolvency Law.
- University of Rosario, Argentinien, topic: German Insolvency Law.
- Global Judges Forum Buenos Aires, topic: International Insolvency Law.
- University Vienna, topic: Ancient Roman Law, International Civil Procedural Law and European Insolvency Law.
- Grundlsee, topic: European Insolvency Regulation and International Insolvency Law.
- Bad Gastein, topic: European Insolvency Regulation.
- Johannes-Kepler-Universität Linz, topic: German Insolvency Law.
- Brüssel, topic: European Insolvency Principles.
- Sao Paulo, topic: Insolvency Law.
- University of Toronto, topic: Insolvency Law.
- Santiago, Topic: International Insolvency Law.
- Peking, topic: International Insolvency Law.
- Tongji University Shanghai, topic: Insolvency Law for States (Staateninsolvenzrecht).
- Villa de Leyva, topci: International Insolvency Law (Völkerinsolvenzrecht).
- University of Zagreb, topic: International Insolvency Law.
- University Tallinn, topic: Insolvency Law and Procedural Law.
- University Tartu, topic: Insolvency Law and Procedural Law.
- Sorbonne (Paris I), Paris, topic: German Insolvency Law.
- Sorbonne (Paris I), IBA-Conference 2011 for European Insolvency Law, topic: German Insolvency Law.
Great Britain
- London (Anual Meeting of the US- american ABA 2000), topic: International Insolvency Law.
- London (joint Conference InsolEurope/3R 2005), topic: European Insolvency Law.
- London (King's College), topic: International Insolvency Law (Völkerinsolvenzrecht).
- Cambridge (University of Cambridge), topic: Insolvency Law.
- At the British Institute for International and Comparative Law, topic: Brexit.
- University of Athens, topic: Civil Procedural Law.
- Cork, topic: German and European Insolvency Law.
- Tel Aviv, topic: German and European Insolvency Law.
- University „La Sapienza”, Rom, topic: European Civil Procedural Law, International Insolvency Law, Comparative Jurisprudence.
- Rome (Anual Meeting of INSOL Europe 2001), topic: European Insolvency Regulation.
- Florenz, Topic: German Insolvency Law.
- Mailand (University Bocconi), topic: Comparison of Insolvency Statuts (Insolventsrechtsvergleichung).
- Venedig, topic: Rating of Legal Statuts (Rating von Rechtsordnungen).
- Kyushu-University, Fukuoka, topic: Insolvency Law, National and International Civil Procedural Law, Ancient Roman Law and connections between International Law and Insolvency Law
(Insolvenz-, nationales und internationales Zivilprozess- und römisches Recht sowie Verbindungslinien zwischen Völkerrecht und Insolvenzrecht). - Ritsumeikan-University, Kyoto, topic: Legal Education.
- Miyazaki, Kyushu, topic: Insolvency Law.
- Luxemburg, topic: International Insolvency Law.
- Gaudalajara (2. Congreso Nacional de Derecho Concursal), topic: European Insolvency Law.
- Mexico City, topic: Bank Insolvency Law.
- Chisinau, topic: Fundamental questions of Insolvency Law.
- Wroclav, topic: Insolvency Law of the States (Staateninsolvenzrecht).
- St. Petersburg, topic: International Insolvency Law.
- Lomonosov University, Moscow, topic: National Insolvency Law.
- Basel, topic: Ancient Roman Law.
- UNCTAD Basel, topic: Debt Clearnce for States (Entschuldung von Staaten).
- St. Gallen, topic: International Insolvency Law.
- Belgrad, topic: Fundamental Questions on Insolveny Law.
- Belgrad (Faculty of Business Law), topic: International Insolvency Law.
- National University, Singapur, topic: States Insolvency Law (Staateninsolvenzrecht).
- Singapur, at the Insol International anual Meeting 2011, topic: States Insolvency Law (Staateninsolvenzrecht).
- University Pamplona, topic: International Insolvency Law, Family Law, International Civil Procedural Law and European Insolvency Law
(Völkerinsolvenzrecht, Familienrecht, Internationales Zivilprozessrecht und Europäisches Insolvenzrecht). - Universität Autónoma Madrid, topic: State Insolvency Law (Staateninsolvenzrecht).
South Africa
- University of the Western Cape, Kapstadt, topic: European and German Consumer Law.
- University of Cape Town, Kapstadt, topic: Methodology of Comparison of Jurisprudence.
- University von Stellenbosch, topic: German Contract Law.
Tchech Republic
- Prague, topic: German Insolvency Law
- Tunis, topic: International Insolvency Law(Völkerinsolvenzrecht).
- University Izmir, topic: Roman and Current Modern Law (Civil Procedural and Insolvency Law).
- Andrássy University, Budapest, topic: Roman Law.
- UNO, New York, topic: State Insolvency Law (Staateninsolvenzrecht).
- University of California, Berkeley, topic: Roman Law and International Insolvency Law
(Römisches Recht, Internationales Insolvenzrecht und Völkerinsolvenzrecht). - University of Oregon, Eugene, topic: Roman and current modern Law (Insolvency Law and Copyright.
- University of Texas, Austin, topic: German and International Insolvency Law.
- Cornell-University, Ithaka, topic: European Insolvency Law.
- University of Connecticut, Hartford, topic: National and International Insolvency Law.
- Fordham University, New York, topic: International and German Insolvency Law
(Völkerinsolvenzrecht und Deutsches Insolvenzrecht). - Brooklyn Law School, New York, topic: German and International Insolvency Law
- Princeton Club, New York, topic: International Debt Clearnce (Völkerrechtliche Entschuldungsfragen).
- International Monetary Fund, Washington D.C., topic: Essential Features of the Insolvency Law (Grundzüge des Insolvenzrechts).
- World Bank, Washington D.C., topic: German Insolvency Law and State Debt Clearance (Deutsches Insolvenzrecht und Staatsentschuldung).
- Inter-American Development Bank, Washington D.C., toipic: International Insolvency Law (Völkerinsolvenzrecht).
- Federal Reserve, San Francisco, topic: German Insolvency Law.
- University of Texas, Austin, topic: International Insolvency Law (Staateninsolvenzrecht).