Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Integrative Research Institute Law & Society (LSI)

Landscapes of Equality

Winter Term 2021/22: Landscapes of Equality III


Equality is a concept that is both normatively and empirically challenging. Anyone researching equality must deal with the manifold forms inequality, disadvantage, and discrimination take in our societies. The interdisciplinary lecture series presents different understandings of and approaches to in-/equality in and beyond the law and shows which conflicts they indicate.

2 November 2021, 6.15 pm: Prof. Dr. Anna Katharina Mangold, LL.M., Europa-Universität Flensburg, Kategoriale Gleichheit. Die Rolle von Antidiskriminierungsrecht im Kampf für Gleichheit

14 December 2021, 6.15 pm: Prof. Dr. Joy Milligan, University of Viginia/American Academy in Berlin, Racial Inequality and the American Administrative State - Can the Past be Undone?

01 Februar 2022, 18 Uhr (c.t.): Prof. Dr. Thomas F. Remington, Harvard University, The Ordoliberalism Debate

Please find the recorded talks here.


Summer Term 2021: Landscapes of Equality II


Equality is a concept that is both normatively and empirically challenging. Anyone who wants to research equality must deal with the manifold forms of inequality, disadvantage and discrimination. The interdisciplinary lecture series presents understandings and approaches of in-/equality in and beyond the law and shows which conflicts they indicate.

All talks start at 6.15 pm.

Please find the recorded talks here.


4 May 2021: Prof. Lena Hipp, Ph.D., WZB/Universität Potsdam, Parenthood as a Driver of Gendered Labor Market Inequalities

18 May 2021: Prof. Robert Reid-Pharr, Ph.D., Harvard University/American Academy Berlin, Equal(ity) in Paris: James Baldwin and the Politics of Exile

22 June 2021, 4.15 pm: Prof. Dr. Katharina Pistor, LL.M., Columbia Law School, Der Code des Kapitals

29 June 2021: Prof. Dr. Anna Katharina Mangold, LL.M., Europa-Universität Flensburg, Kategoriale Gleichheit. Die Rolle von Antidiskriminierungsrecht im Kampf für Gleichheit

6 July 2021: Prof. Dr. Mehrdad Payandeh, LL.M., Bucerius Law School, Das verfassungsrechtliche Verbot rassistischer Diskriminierung – Dogmatik im internationalen und interdisziplinären Kontext


BUAThe lecture series is part of the joint project The Laws of Social Cohesion, a collaborative endeavor of the Integrative Research Institute Law & Society, FUELS (Freie Universität Empirical Legal Studies Center) and Recht im Kontext, funded by the Berlin University Alliance as part of the Grand Challenge Initiatives Social Cohesion.



Winter Term 2020/21: Landscapes of Equality I


Please find the recorded talks here.


3 November 2020: Prof. Dr. Steffen Mau, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Ostdeutsche Transformationen - Eine ungleichheitssoziologische Perspektive.

12 January 2021: Prof. Dr. Nora Markard, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster), Rechtssubjekte an der Grenze

19 January 2021: Prof. Dr. Susanne Baer, LL.M., Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Richterin des Bundesverfassungsgerichts), Un-/Gleichheiten  Praxen der Grund- und Menschenrechte im Wandel.

2 February 2021: Prof. Nathalie Peutz, LL.M., NYU Abu Dhabi/American Academy Berlin, A Tale of Two Camps: Im/mobilities and Inequalities in the Horn of Africa.


Archive: Lecture Series