Integrative Research Institute Law & Society (LSI)
Call for the 2025 Annual Workshop on Research Methods in Fundamental Rights
The Centre for Fundamental Rights at the Hertie School is pleased to announce the 2025 edition of the Annual Workshop on Research Methods in Fundamental Rights. The workshop offers doctoral and early career researchers the opportunity to expand their knowledge and understanding of research methodology and methods in the field of fundamental rights and to better design and conduct their research. It is organised as a series of masterclasses delivered by expert faculty, covering a range of methods: doctrinal, comparative, empirical, ethnographic and normative research methods. The workshop also enables participants to present and receive feedback on their research design from the faculty and fellow participants. The workshop will take place over three days from 16 to 18 June 2025, at the Hertie School. Find out how to apply here.
Doctoral programme Law & Society: CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: two doctoral scholarships (2025-2029) funded by the DAAD
Application deadline: December 31, 2024 The doctoral programme Law & Society of the Integrative Research Institute Law & Society (LSI) in cooperation with the DFG Research Training Group DynamInt, Humboldt-University Berlin, is currently accepting applications for two doctoral scholarships at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. These scholarships are funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD, Graduate School Scholarship Programme) and offer up to four years of support, including a monthly stipend, language courses, and other benefits. Excellent international students with an interest in interdisciplinary legal research are strongly encouraged to apply.
Winter School "Environment, Law, and Society" 19.03. - 21.03.2025
The Centre Marc Bloch (CMB) and the Integrative Research Institute Law and Society (LSI) of Humboldt University are pleased to invite PhD students to submit abstracts for the International Winter School “Environment, Law, and Society”, which they will host in partnership with the Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies (CSLS). This interdisciplinary event will take place in Berlin from March 19 to March 21, 2025. Gathering early-career researchers from different countries and different disciplines, the Winter School will aim at investigating the complex relationship between nature, society, and law. Engaging with key concepts and contemporary academic debates, it will foster an international dialogue on the socio-legal challenges inherent in the regulation of environmental issues. In so doing, it will offer a cross-cutting approach to research questions surrounding legal systems and societies in their relationship with the environment. Any PhD student interested to take part in the Winter School must send an abstract of their ongoing work (English, 300 words max.) and a short academic CV by December 20 at 12:00 (UTC+1), as a single pdf file to:
22.11.24: Lunch Session: "Externalising Asylum: Examining the Italy-Albania and Australia-Pacific Models"
Join us for a lunch session - an informal midday event with light refreshments, designed to discuss current issues of migration law. Prof. Dr. Pauline Endres de Oliveira (HU Berlin) and Dr. Nikolas Feith Tan (University of Melbourne) will provide legal insights on the challenges of externalizing asylum procedures. The discussion will focus on current practices in the legal context of the EU, such as the Italy Albania Agreement, and contrast them with the so-called "Pacific Solution" in the Australian context.
Verfassungsblog Blogsymposium: "Law and Political Economy in Germany"
Der Diskurs über Recht und Politische Ökonomie hat in der US-amerikanischen Rechtswissenschaft große Aufmerksamkeit erlangt. Aufbauend auf der Konferenz „Law and Political Economy in Germany“, die im Juni in Berlin stattfand, widmet sich dieses Blog-Symposium dem Dialog zwischen dem Diskurs von Recht und Politischer Ökonomie und dem deutschen Rechtsdenken. Veranstaltet von Andreas Engert, Eva Herzog, Anna-Bettina Kaiser, Bertram Lomfeld und Silvia von Steinsdorff, wird das Symposium durch „The Laws of Social Cohesion“ und dessen Partner unterstützt. Wir freuen uns, Sie einzuladen, das Blogsymposium hier zu verfolgen. In Zusammenarbeit mit: Freie Universität Empirical Legal Studies Center (FUELS) Recht im Kontext Laws of Social Cohesion