Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Integrative Research Institute Law & Society (LSI)

Regulating Extremes: Climate Change

Climate change increases the risk of natural disasters, damages ecosystems and exacerbates humanitarian crises worldwide. The fight against global warming is one of the key challenges of the 21st century. The expectations that are directed at the law (among others) are therefore considerable: law can be a driving force of the social transformation that is necessary to prevent the threat of extreme restrictions on freedom in the near future. It can also mitigate the individual consequences of climate change through distributive mechanisms. Yet, the law is subject to doctrinal as well as practical, political, and social limits. In the lecture series we want to discuss goals and challenges that regulation faces in times of climate crisis.


The lecture series is part of the jointBUA project The Laws of Social Cohesion, a collaborative endeavor of the Integrative Research Institute Law & Society, FUELS (Freie Universität Empirical Legal Studies Center) and Recht im Kontext, funded by the Berlin University Alliance as part of the Grand Challenge Initiatives Social Cohesion.


The events take place in person and online via Zoom (hybrid). We are looking forward to receiving your registration by email:


(This term's events take place in German)



Upcoming Events


9 January 2024, 6.15 pm: Prof. Dr. Franz Reimer (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen), Planetare Grenzen ernstgenommen: Brauchen wir ein Suffizienzrecht?

30 January 2024, 6.15 pm: Prof. Dr. Isabel Feichtner (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg), Planetares Recht gegen die Plünderung der Meere?



Past Events


21 June 2023, 6.15 pm: Prof. Dr. Jens Kersten (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.), Das ökologische Grundgesetz

9 May 2023, 6.15 pm: Dr. Laura Affolter (Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung), Die politischen Effekte der Rechte der Natur in Ecuador: Normative Grundlagen und empirische Einblicke

6 December 2022, 6.15 pm: Podium mit Dr. Petra Sußner und Dr. Michael von Landenberg-Roberg, LL.M. (Cambridge), beide HU Berlin, Konflikt und Kooperation in der Transformation. Die Rolle von Klimarecht und Klimaklagen. 

24 January 2023, 6.15 pm: Prof. Dr. Michael Fehling, LL.M. (Berkeley) (Bucerius Law School), Möglichkeiten soziotechnischer Transformation durch Verzicht und Verbote: Verkehr und Energie

14 February 2023, 6.15 pm: Dr. Laura Affolter (Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung), Die politischen Effekte der Rechte der Natur in Ecuador: Normative Grundlagen und empirische Einblicke

22 February 2022, 6.15 pm: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Kai Ambos, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Protecting the Environment through a Crime of Ecocide?

24 May 2022, 6.15 pm: Prof. Javiera Barandiarán, University of California, Santa Barbara/ American Academy Berlin, Environmental Memory and Regulation: Reflections from Lithium-Rich Salt Flats

31 May 2022, 6.15 pm: Prof. Dr. Jörg Niewöhner, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin/ IRI THESys, Die Zukunft von und durch Wasser gestalten: Kolumbien, Chile, Deutschland

21 June 2022, 6.15 pm: Prof. Bettina Lange, University of Oxford, Harnessing Sociological Approaches to Law, Regulation and the Water Environment: The Case of ‘Bubble Permitting’


Please find the recorded talks here.