Frederik Gutmann
Research Project:
Competition Law Limits to Data Sharing and Data Access
Law Studies at Freie Universität, Berlin (2013-2019) and University of Glasgow (2015). Specialisation in competition and regulatory law and corporate law (2016/2017). First legal state examination in Berlin in March 2019.
From May to November 2019, research associate at BLOMSTEIN, a Berlin-based law firm specialising in antitrust law, foreign trade law, public procurement law and state aid law. Since November 2019, PhD candidate with Prof. Dr. Heike Schweitzer at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and since December 2019, fellow of the DFG graduate school "Dynamische Integrationsordnung" at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Research Interests
- German & European competition law
- Data access and sharing in Germany and in the EU: Towards a coherent legal framework for the emerging data economy - A legal, economic and competition policy angle, 8th July 2022 (with Heike Schweitzer, Axel Metzger, Knut Blind, Heiko Richter and Crispin Niebel).
- "Im Interesse der Union? Drittstaatliche Subventionen und ihre positiven Auswirkungen", in: Heger/Gourdet (Hrsg.), Fairen Wettbewerb in der Europäischen Union sichern, Nomos 2022, S. 39 ff. (with Lennart Gau).
- Unilateral Practices by Digital Platforms: Facts and Myths about the Reach and Effectiveness of Competition Law (with Heike Schweitzer).