Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DynamInt

Meret Plucis



Research Project:

Arguably Legal: On the Language of Law and Politics in the European Integration Process



2016-2022 Law Studies at Humboldt-University Berlin (First Legal State Exam), Université Paris 2 Panthéon Assas (Maîtrise en droit) and Universiteit van Amsterdam (LL.M.) within the framework of the European Law School programme and with a special focus on European Union Law. Scholarships from the DAAD and the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation.

Research assistant at White & Case Berlin in public law (2019-2020). Volunteer work at the Alliance Pro Choice Berlin and with refugee women at Caritas Berlin.

Since 2022 research fellow at the DFG-Graduate School ‚Dynamic Integration’, supervised by Prof. Dr. Christoph Möllers.


Research Interests

  • European Public Law
  • Legal & Social Theory
  • Philosophy of Law
  • Critical Legal Theory