Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DynamInt

Call for Papers

We invite early career researchers (PhD candidates and post-docs) to submit an abstract (max. 500 words) by 30 June 2023. Please specify which panel or workshop in which you would like to participate. The sample questions for the panels are intended to serve as a guide, but are by no means meant to be exhaustive.

Please send your submissions to with the subject ‘PhD Summer Workshop London 2023’

Successful submissions for the panels will be contacted mid-June and are expected to submit a full paper (max. 8,000 words including footnotes) by 15 August 2023. If there is a sufficient demand for the smaller peer-to-peer workshops to be held, the participants for those workshops will also be contacted and have to submit their works-in-progress (chapter, abstract, etc.) by 15 August 2023 as well. The full papers for the panels will be sent to established scholars for feedback during the conference.



We cover the accommodation costs for panellists according to the German Travel Expenses Act. Further information will be offered at a later stage to the selected speakers.

Participation in the entire workshop is free of charge. General registration for the entire workshop will open in early summer 2023.