Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DynamInt

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Juristische Fakultät | DynamInt | Veranstaltungen | HUCELL | HUCELL: Prof. Antoine Vauchez am 24. Mai 2022

HUCELL: Prof. Antoine Vauchez am 24. Mai 2022

Das Graduiertenkolleg DynamInt lädt herzlich zum Vortrag von Prof. Antoine Vauchez (Université Paris 1-Sorbonne) am Dienstag den 24. Mai 2022 um 18 Uhr c.t. in Raum 213 (Unter den Linden 9) ein. Die Veranstaltung findet im Rahmen der Humboldt Comparative and European Law Lectures (HUCELL) statt. 
Der Titel des Vortrags lautet:

"The Genie of Independence and the European Bottle. How Independence Became Europe’s Most Contentious Political and Legal Category"


Antoine Vauchez is a CNRS Research Professor (Directeur de recherche) in political sociology and law at the Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique (Ehess - Université Paris 1-Sorbonne) and a Permanent Visiting professor at iCourts Research centre (Univ. of Copenhagen).

After graduating in political science at Sciences Po Paris (1993) and in public law at the Université Paris 1-Sorbonne (1995), he has received a Ph.D at the European University Institute (Florence, 2000). Ever since, he has been a full-time researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and a Research Professor (since 2010).

His research engages with the field of historical sociology, political sociology and critical sociology of law, researching extensively the interactions between forms of expertise, transnational knowledge communities and transnational politics with a particular emphasis on law, economics and European Union polity. He also focuses on issues connecting « law and politics », processes of « judicialization » and the transformation of Western States.


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