Berlin Premoot 2023
The Berlin Premoot will take place from 09 to 11 March 2023. 18 teams from all over Europe will come to Berlin to prepare for the oral pleadings of the Wilhelm C. Vis (East) Moot Court in Hong Kong and in Vienna. The Berlin Premoot is organised by the Humboldt Moot Association e.V. and the International Dispute Resolution LL.M. at the Humboldt University of Berlin in the rooms of the Faculty of Law of the Humboldt University. Besides the pleadings, the Berlin Premoot will offer a framework programme with a variety of workshops held by practitioners in the field of arbitration law and a panel discussion on the topic "Lawyers of Tomorrow: The Future of Legal Practice and International Arbitration". In addition, the teams will have the opportunity to network with each other and with arbitration practitioners over joint meals and evening programme.