Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Faculty of Law | DynamInt | Members | Doctoral Researchers Doctoral Researchers Nikolaos Antoniadis Research Project Towards a "Formal Relational Contract" in European private law: its necessity, character and implications for the law of legal persons CV | Contact Caterina Bresci Research Project COVID-19 und vertragsrechtliche Entwicklungen in Europa. Ein Rechtsvergleich ausgewählter Vertragsrechtssegmente und umstrittener Judikaturen CV | Contact Nicolas Dewitte Research Project A European Commercial Court as an instrument for the settlement of cross-border disputes in the internal market - necessity, foundations and design CV | Contact Ekemeabasi Essen Research Project Examining the Legal Ecosystem of Digital StartUps from Newness to Sustainability: A comparative study between the AU & EU CV | Contact Frederik Gutmann Research Project Competition Law Limits to Data Sharing and Data Access CV | Contact Aina Hannisa Research Project Arbitration in the European Union CV | Contact Lena Kaiser Research Project The constitutional non-regression principle in the European Union [working title] CV | Contact Eleni Karapatsia Research Project The contribution of the European Public Prosecutor's Office and European Criminal Law to the Effective Protection against fraud to the Union's financial interests: The Case of Germany and Greece CV | Contact Tobias Kleinschmitt Research Project Regulierungsüberlagerungen und -konflikte in der Plattformregulierung CV | Contact Julian A. Morgan Research Project The Resonance of Practices of Authority in Platform Governance CV | Contact Meret Plucis Research Project Arguably Legal: On the Language of Law and Politics in the European Integration Process CV | Contact Julius Richter Research Project On the horizontal effects of fundamental and human rights in the European multi-level system CV | Contact Gesche Ripken Research Project The Future of the More Economic Approach in the Application of Art. 102 TFEU CV | Contact Oğuzhan Samanci Research Project The Retrial in International Arbitration CV | Contact Leon Theimer Research Project Civil and commercial matters. The scope and limits of European Private International Law CV | Contact Hannah Zaruchas Research Project Contesting Admission in European Human Rights Law CV | Contact Georgios Ziogas Research Project (Re)claiming the Personality Right at End of Life in light of paradigmatic euthanasia and assisted suicide cases in Europe CV | Contact