Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DynamInt


Publication by DynamInt fellow Friederike Grischek: Entscheidungen des EuGH im Asylrecht als nachträgliche Änderung der Rechtslage iSd § 51 I Nr.1 VwVfG, NVwZ 2021, 1492-1497

DynamInt postdoc Dr. Ruth Weber as a guest on the German podcast Campus Europa | Title of the episode: "Forschungsraum Europa - Gemeinsam forschen und gestalten" | On all podcast plattforms (Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastsDeezer) as well as the DAAD homepage

Presentation by DynamInt fellow Moritz Schramm on "The Democratic Challenge of Digital Constitutionalism" and presentation by associated researcher and co-organiser Carolin Lerch on "The Development of the German Abortion Law" at the Conference "The Dust of Time? Towards a 21st Century Constitutionalism" at the European University Institute | Programme | 7th-8th October 2021

Panel presentation by DynamInt fellow Jakob Gašperin at the Conference "(Playing) Constitutional Twister: The Mechanisms of Convergence and Divergence within Multilevel Legal Orders" at the University of Ljubljana | Programme | 1st-2nd October 2021

Presentation by DynamInt fellow Sabrina Schäfer at the 16th Annual Meeting of the European Society of International Law with the title 'A Letter from the Bundestag - Or How the Global Compact for the Migration Shed New Light on Parliamentary Participation in Informal Lawmaking' | 10th September 2021

Associated researcher Carolin Lerch participated in coding the voting advice application euandi2021 for the German federal election 2021

DynamInt Doctoral Forum | 15th - 16th July 2021 | Announcement, Programme

DynamInt fellow Moritz Schramm will moderate three panels at the ICON·S Mundo Conference from the 6th to the 9th of July 2021. The panels will cover international law, constitutional and administrative theory, and the impact of new technologies on law and its institutions | Programme

Call for Papers | "(Playing) Consitutional Twister. The Mechanisms of Convergence and Divergence within Multilevel Orders" at the University of Ljubljana, co-organized by DynamInt fellow Jakob Gašperin

Publication by DynamInt fellow Anna Sakellaraki„You have the right to remain silent” during punitive administrative proceedings, CJEU confirms – Case C‑481/19 DB v. Consob, European Law Blog

Anna Sakellaraki elected as speaker of the DynamInt fellows for the summer semester 2021

Announcement: HUCELL-Lecture: Prof. Martin Loughlin (London School of Economics and Political Science) "Against Constitutionalism" 17 March 2021, 6 pm

HUCELL-Lecture: Prof. Takis Tridimas (King’s College London) 10 February 2021

Publication by DynamInt fellow Sabrina SchäferWithdrawing from the ‚Withdrawal Doctrine ‘Reviving US treaty relations post-Trump on Völkerrechtsblog

Victory in the second Germany-wide Criminal Law Moot Court at the Humboldt University of Berlin under the supervision of DynamInt fellow Lukas Huthmann

Publication by DynamInt fellow Anna SakellarakiHalcyon Days for the Right to Silence: AG Pikamäe’s Opinion in Case DB v. Consob., European Papers, European Forum, Insight of 14 January 2021, pp. 1-12.

Workshop on "presentations via video" 23 November 2020 

Publication by Prof. Dr. Matthias Ruffert, DynamInt fellow Friederike Grischek und DynamInt fellow Moritz Schramm: Europarecht im Examen - Die Grundrechte, Juristische Schulung (JuS) 2020, 1022.

Postdoc Dr. Ruth Weber & student assistant Sarah Cichon: "Digital forschen und promovieren in Zeiten der Corona-Krise"

HUCELL-Lecture: Prof. Päivi Leino-Sandberg 17 June 2020

Postdoc Dr. Ruth Weber: Law-Making Activity of the German Federal Constitutional Court. A Case-Law Study; in: Judicial Law-Making in European Constitutional Courts

Prof. Dr. Matthias Ruffert on the PSPP ruling of the second senate of the Federal Constitutional Court of 5 May 2020

New publication by DynamInt Postdoc Dr. Ruth Weber on

Publication by Prof. Dr. Matthias Ruffert and DynamInt fellows Friederike Grischek and Moritz SchrammEuroparecht im Examen – Rechtsquellen und Rechtsetzung im Unionsrecht, JuS 2020, 413

DynamInt in the Faculty of Law's "Semesterblick"

DynamInt in Digital Form How we work continue working in spite of COVID-19

New publication by Prof. Dr. Matthias Ruffert DynamInt's speaker on

METIS Interview with DynamInt Postdoc Dr. Ruth Weber on Women in Academia

New publication by Postdoc Dr. Ruth Weber on

HUCELL lecture: Prof. Dr. Sacha Garben

New publication by DynamInt Fellow Jakob Gašperin on