Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DynamInt


Study lead by Prof. Dr. Heike Schweitzer and with participation of DynamInt fellow Frederik Gutmann: Data access and sharing in Germany and in the EU: Towards a coherent legal framework for the emerging data economy, 8th July 2022 (together with Prof. Dr. Axel Metzger, Prof. Dr. Knut Blind, Dr. Heiko Richter und Dr. Crispin Niebel)

Publication by DynamInt fellow Anna Sakellaraki: EU Asset Recovery and Confiscation Regime - Quo Vadis? A First Assesement of the Commission's Proposal to Further Harmonise the EU Asset Recovery and Confiscation Laws. A Step in the Right Direction?, in: New Journal of European Criminal Law, 2022

HUCELL: Prof. Olivier Beaud (Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas) "Le pacte fédératif" 5th December 2022, 6 pm

From 11th to 13th November 2022, another introductory weekend took place in the Uckermark especially for the new doctoral candidates.

HUCELL: Prof. Spyridon Vlachopoulos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) "Democracy, Human Rights and anonymity of the internet" 8th November 2022, 6 pm

HUCELL: Prof. Vassiliki Christou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) "Political Rights in the Digital Era" 1st November 2022, 6 pm

Julius Richter and Meret Plucis elected as speakers of the DynamInt fellows for the winter semester 2022/2023

Publication by DynamInt postdoc Dr. Ruth Weber: "Von europäischen Völkern und Werten. Altes und Neues zur europäischen Integration in der Präambel der Grundrechte-Charta (2000)", in: Themenportal Europäische Geschichte, 2022

In October, ten new Phd students joined the DynamInt Graduate School.

Conference report "Follow the Money?: European Integration in Light of EU Budgetary Law" | 9th - 10th June 2022 | Announcement, Programme

Publication by DynamInt fellows Moritz Schramm and Friederike Grischek together with Matthias Ruffert: "Europarecht im Examen - Rechtsschutz vor den europäischen Gerichten", JuS 2022, 814

Publication by DynamInt fellow Lukas Huthmann together with Anneke Petzsche: "3. Moot Court Strafrecht (Sachverhalt und Lösungshinweise für die Jury)", JuS 09/2022, 30

Publication by DynamInt fellow Alba Hernandez Weiss: "Effective protection of rights as a precondition to mutual recognition: Some thoughts on the CJEU's Gavanozov II decision", in the New Journal of European Criminal Law 2022, 180

Publication by DynamInt fellow Alba Hernandez Weiss: "Gegenseitige Anerkennung als 'Joker' bei transnationalen Ermittlungen? Einige Überlegungen zu dem Rechtsstreit Berliner Gerichte im Fall 'EncroChat'", in Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtswissenschaft 2022, 427

Panel presentations by DynamInt fellows Charlotte Langenfeld and Moritz Schramm and by DynamInt postdocs Dr. Ruth Weber und Dr. Marcin Barański at the ICON S Annual Conference in Wrocław | Programme | 4th - 6th July 2022

Publication by DynamInt fellow Charlotte Langenfeld, "Unionsrechtswidrige Umgehung der Achmea-Rechtsprechung durch den Rückgriff auf eine ad hoc-Schiedsvereinbarung - Anmerkung zum Urteil des EuGH v. 26.10.2021, Rs. C-109/20 (PL Holdings)", Europarecht (EuR) 2022, 399

Podcast episode of the Review of Democracy Podcast with DynamInt fellow Moritz Schramm  "Digital Constitutionalism and Democratic Participation

Presentation by DynamInt fellow Moritz Schramm at the iCourts/PluriCourts PhD Summer School, organised by the Centre of Excellence for International Courts (iCourts) and the Centre for the Study of the Legitimate Roles of the Judiciary in the Global Order (PluriCourts) at the University of Copenhagen, 6th - 10th June 2022

Presentation by DynamInt felllow Moritz Schramm at the "Early-Career Researcher Workshop on Multidisciplinary Research Methods in EU Law" of the FUTURES Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the Europa Institute at the University of Edinburgh, 26th and 27th May 2022

HUCELL: Prof. Antoine Vauchez (Université Paris 1-Sorbonne) "The Genie of Independence and the European Bottle. How Independence Became Europe’s Most Contentious Political and Legal Category" 24th May 2022, 18 pm

DynamInt postdoc Dr. Marcin Barański as panelist on the topic "Whose Europe? Judicial Conversations in a Changing Union" at the Conference "Europe at a Crossroads of the Past & Future" at Yale University, 13th May 2022, 6:15 pm - Registration and information

HUCELL: Prof. Valsamis Mitsilegas (Queen Mary University London) "The Preventive Turn in European Security Policy. Constitutional Challenges from a Global Perspective" 3rd May 2022, 6 pm

Presentation by DynamInt postdoc Dr. Marcin Barański on "Recent Authority Conflicts between the CJEU and Member State Courts" at the European University Institute, 29th April 2022, 11 am - Registration and information

Publication by DynamInt postdoc Dr. Ruth Weber with Laura Wittmann: "The role of precedents and case law in the jurisprudence of the German Federal Constitutional Court", in: M. Florczak-Wątor (ed.), Constitutional Law and Precedent: International Perspectives on Case-Based Reasoning, Routledge, London 2022

Webinar: From 'Hard' to 'Soft' Content Moderation? The Amplification and Demotion of Content on Social Media, organised by Moritz Schramm und Dr. Fernanda Bremenkamp (European Law School) 29th April 2022, 12:15 pm - Access the recording here

Publication by DynamInt fellow Moritz Schramm with Josh Cowls, Philipp Darius und Dominiquo Santistevan: Constitutional Metaphors: Facebook’s 'Supreme Court‘ and Platform Legitimation, in New Media & Society, open access.

Moritz Schramm elected as speaker of the DynamInt fellows for the summer semester 2022

Publication by DynamInt fellow Sabrina Schäfer together with Jed Odermatt: "Nomen est Omen? The Relevance of 'EU Party' in International Law", in: N. Levrat, Y. Kaspiarovich, C. Kaddous und R.A. Wessel (ed.), The EU and Its Member States' Joint Participation in International Agreements, Hart Publishing, Oxford 2022

Presentation of DynamInt at Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas by Prof. Matthias Ruffert and at La Sapienza - Università di Roma by Prof. Stefan Grundmann 16th March 2022

Presentations by DynamInt fellows Moritz Schramm (The Juridic Governance of the Internet) and Paul Friedl (Dis/similarities in the Design and Development of Legal and Algorithmic Normative Systems) at the Weizenbaum Institute conference Verdicts, Procedures, Displacements on 10th and 11th March 2022

Publication by DynamInt fellows Lennart Gau und Frederik Gutmann, "Im Interesse der Union? Drittstaatliche Subventionen und ihre positiven Auswirkungen", in: Heger/Gourdet (ed.), Fairen Wettbewerb in der Europäischen Union sichern, Nomos 2022, p. 39 ff.

HUCELL: Prof. Bruno De Witte (Universität Maastricht) "Effective policy-making and constitutional design in the European Union" 15. Februar 2022, 6 pm via Zoom